Have Questions Before You Visit?

Your first visit to a new church can sometimes be a little overwhelming. Let us start by saying we love having visitors and welcome everyone to come exactly as you are to worship with us. Below you will find a few common questions people have along with the answers to those questions. At the end of the page you will have the option to fill out a visitors form so we can make sure someone knows you’re coming so they can show you around and answer any additional questions you might have once you arrive. 

Calvary is a laid-back, relaxed atmosphere where we welcome all walks of life to come together and have a great time learning about and worshipping our Lord. When people walk into Calvary they often say "It just feels like home" because we're one big family.

What time does service start?

On Sunday mornings we begin our Sunday school classes for adults, teens and children at 10 a.m. followed by morning Worship service at 11 a.m. We also have Sunday evening adult Bible study along with teen and children’s classes at 6 p.m. and Wednesday evening adult Bible study, teen group and Kids 4 Truth programs starting at 6 p.m.

What kind of sermon will I hear?

Calvary Baptist features scriptural-based sermons focused on how the lessons from the Bible apply to our modern lives. Some sermons are feel-good in nature and some may be convicting. The Bible is a mix of joy, happiness and conviction and the sermons should be no different. No matter what type of sermon we have, the underlying message and intent is always to reassure us of God’s love and help build disciples who are seeking His kingdom.

What is worship like?

Worship with Calvary is like getting together with your favorite family members for a great time. We begin each service with a mixture of upbeat versions of classic hymns along with some contemporary Christian music. After our music we go right into our sermon then end with a final song and a chance to come unload your burdens at the altar.

How long does service last?

Sunday morning worship service generally ends about 12:15.  Sometimes service ends a little before or a little after, but we try to get as close to 12:15 as possible while not putting a limit on the message and movement of the Lord in our services. Our evening service on Sunday runs from 6-7 p.m. and Wednesday evening adult, teen & Kids 4 Truth service runs from 6-7:30 p.m.

Is children’s ministry available?

Absolutely! At Calvary we believe kids are the lifeblood of any church. We love hearing the sounds of children in our classrooms, hallways and sanctuary – those sounds are the sound of a living church. We have a great children’s program for Sunday school and children’s church during morning service. We also offer our Wednesday night “Kids 4 Truth” program which is designed to teach kids not just what we believe as Christians but why we believe the things we do.

What is the dress code?

If you’re dressed, you are ready to worship with us. You may see people in a button-up and tie or you may see someone in a T-shirt and shorts. You wear whatever makes you comfortable, we’re here to worship God and learn about His direction for our lives… not to have a fashion show.

Are you ready to visit?

Click the link below to fill out our visitor form and we will make sure someone is ready to meet you, show you around and answer any questions you might have when you arrive at the church.